Doll Reflection + Research Q) 4+5+6

4. Look at this work by Giacometti and describe what you see

Alberto Giacometti 'Walking Man I'

The sculpture is of a man with very odd body measurements; however, the sculpture itself seems very natural. There is a wiry man in mid-stride with his right foot forward. His arms are just hanging there while the head is completely vertical. It is made of something like metal, copper or bronze.

5. How has Giacometti manipulated the form to create feeling in the work?

+ 6. Interpret the work.

Giacometti manipulated the ordinary human body form and created an abstract sculpture. Then man is thin and long, therefore, it looks like he had been stretched up. His long legs and lack of movement show, calmness and relaxing strides; however, the way his head is ahead of his body, makes it look like the man is in a hurry. It feels like the man is suppressing his rush to walk calmly.


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